We Love to Laugh  
Let's Laugh Today

Our Laughter Session Testimonials

Here are three blogs about us:

Be Light and Healthy - HO-HO, HA-HA-HA

Laugh Lines for the Holidays

Ageless with Aunty...HO HO HA HA HA...

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Here are some of the e-mails we have received:

Hi Bill and Linda,
Really appreciate you both for the joy you bring to me and others! Thank you,
Margy W

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Hi Bill and Linda,
Thank you both for giving us all the great gift of laughing our way through April fool’s day during our Health Ministry Retreat! It made our gathering light filled and laughter filled and oxygen rich. We are so grateful to you both and the work you do to bring laughter to all. All the very best, Pam

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Hi Bill and Linda,
Thank you so much for our laughter yoga class. The attendees that joined thoroughly enjoyed it and thought the pair of you was great.
We look forward to working with you again in the future.
Best, MR

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Bill and Linda, thank you so much for spending time with us today, and thank you for teaching us the value and healing properties of Laughter!

You both are so greatly appreciated, needed and are necessary!
Warm Regards, Heidi Sue,

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energized....love the way it was all weaved around Love....you were magical Bill and Linda..

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You and Bill are a dynamic duo. Your encouraging and upbeat spirit is contagious. I love it!!
Altar Del

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I really loved the experience. So good for learning to not take yourself so seriously and embrace the child within. Such a beautiful time! Thank you!!!

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We really enjoyed your Laughter session Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020. Thank you for leading awesome Laughter sessions!!
Sherry A.

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Dear Linda (and Bill), Thank you for contributing to my joy today. Checking out your website, you have lots of great info!!
Thanks, AJ

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Your presentation added levity to our event, as well as a reminder of how important it is to connect with the ones around us. You showed us the perfect examples of how a laughter connection and playfulness can add joy to our daily lives. All it takes is a moment and poof, oh what a feeling! Our participants LOVED your presentation. You were such a hit. Thank you!

Love & Laughter, Alexa

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Hi Bill and Linda
I love your newsy newsletter with good news and news we can use! You are a dear couple whose playfulness and endearing ways demonstrate that those who laugh together, last together:) Your creative and fun exercises take us down "memory lane" and easily tickle our funny bone with their simplicity and freedom to be childlike...again. With admiration and laughter,

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Thank you Linda Hamaker and Bill! Thanks for filling this world with laughter!

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Dear Linda & Bill,
I was going to write you and thank you for tonight. Very much needed and worked like a charm. Pulled me right out of my current stress. And you, Linda were very cute and playful and lighthearted. You, too Bill. (haha) Great group. So much energy. Awesome.


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Laughter Yoga has provided a great way for my daughter and me to connect and bond. We love that it is something the two of us can do together at the actual event, but it also makes its way back into our home with "Very good, Very good - Yays!" and some “Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha” moments. Bill & Linda are wonderful group leaders, making everyone feel comfortable and at ease. I recommend Laughter Yoga for anyone who wants to lighten up and bring more laughter and joy into their lives.

Sandy H

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It was GREAT!! Linda and Bill were very welcoming, caring, and made me feel very comfortable!! Stress released and laughter abound, I could not stop laughing. Thank you !!


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Three Times a Charm

Try a thing you haven’t done three times. Once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time, to figure out whether you like it or not.“ Virgil Garnett Thomson

The first time we attended the Let's Laugh Today Laughter Club with the Hamakers, Linda encouraged the newcomers to try Laughter Yoga three times before deciding if they liked it. Since I'm an introvert, it wasn't surprising that I felt uncomfortable that first night and was reluctant to try it again. Remembering Linda's advice motivated us to attend another session. The second time we tried Laughter Yoga, I felt slightly less awkward. By this point my husband definitely seemed to enjoy it, but I still wasn't sure I liked it. Again, Linda's advice surfaced to the forefront of my mind so I chose to attend a third session. By the third session, I felt more comfortable and was able to experience the benefits of Laughter Yoga. It's been over a year since we attended our first session, and we are now Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders.


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I used laughter yoga again last night to change my energy before an event, and it worked again! I simply felt lighter arriving at the event. Laughter yoga is absolutely the best (and funnest) way to change your energy on the fly. Who knew you could laugh without any outside influence, and you could change your energy without "getting quiet and closing your eyes"!

Thanks for all you do. Aline Barrett

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Hi Linda and Bill, I loved every nanosecond of your laughter club last night! You've brought an explosion of laughter to southeast Massachusetts that even has northern Mass. residents -- like myself -- traveling for the pure pleasure and inspiration of laughing with you. You two generate particularly creative exercises, teaming up, punting to each other, and including everyone in the room in a unique way. Thank you for the uplifting and healing session. Laughing for no reason has never been better! Laughter breeds laughter, success breeds success, so you have nowhere to go but laughingly far!

All The Best, Sue Herz

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Bill and Linda returned from their New Mexico training with Dr. Kataria having gained even more positive laughter energy to share with LY participants: the second portion of the program is a guided relaxation meditation that’s done lying on the meetinghouse floor. Believe me, their strength guiding this is highly effective: a natural segue to the laughter portion of the program that starts off the evening. You’re bound to feel renewed, recharged and reinvigorated from the whole experience.

Jean Burke

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The times I've been to Let's Laugh Today I walked out floating, as though I had either run 5 miles, meditated for an hour or had an amazing massage. Laughter truly does cure what ails you. Do your body, mind and spirit a favor and try it out. Sooo easy, sooo effective.

Claire Mallette

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Hi Linda and Bill,
I just love the Laughter Club meetings. Occasionally I have trouble staying asleep at night. I fall asleep fine but wake up in an hour, but on Laughter Club meeting nights I fall asleep and stay asleep the whole night through. An extra bonus! Thanks! Looking forward to the next meeting.

Roberta Schwalbe

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I read an article in the local Gazette that caught my interest about laughter yoga and a laughter club starting in Franklin. I called my daughter and coaxed her to come with me. We now have a standing date every 4th Monday of the month to share time together feeling happy and healthier as we incorporate laughter into our lives. After 4 visits to the laughter club I find myself driving to work starting out with a few ho ho ha ha he he's and breaking into sporadic laughter for 5-10 minutes. I arrive at work more alert, happy and ready to take on the day pleasantly. Laughing is becoming a good habit, I laugh several times a day as a result I'm happier, healthier and have a more positive outlook. I'm grateful Bill and Linda Hamaker have brought a laughter club to Franklin. I encourage people to give laughter yoga a try. It's fun and we all can benefit from fun in our lives.

Maureen Gillis

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Thank you for a fabulous evening of relieving my stress for a little while. I wish you would consider a weekly class instead of monthly. :-)

Warm regards, Mary McDonald

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Dear Bill and Linda,
Read the article about your laughter club, wow so many people. Makes me feel proud. Keep it up. Want to report your club activities on my home page with a link to your page please send me a page write up with photos.

Love Laughter & Peace
Dr.Madan Kataria
Founder Laughter Yoga Clubs

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Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training Testimonials

Video Testimonials

March 2019 Testimonial

Cindy Testimonial

Caroline Testimonial

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Hi, Linda and Bill! I just wanted to congratulate you both on turning out a great Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. I always attend Larry O'Brien's Providence Club if I'm not working. Cole hosted last night's and he was fantastic! He was born to be a Laughter Yogi! I'm so excited for him and his future in Laughter Yoga! You both are the best Trainers and I am so grateful for all that you do! Love and Laughter, JNR

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I loved attending Laughter Yoga classes starting in 2007 so I decided to take the training with Linda and Bill in 2008. I did not start a laughter club at that time but what I learned in that weekend was invaluable in other areas of my life and I used ideas from Laughter Yoga in my everyday life for years. I yearned to start my own club and pass on the fun and the health benefits to more people.

In late 2019 I decided to take a refresher training weekend. For me it was a refresher, for the others it was their first (and perhaps only) training. I learned even more in the second time around and it was just what I needed to prompt me to take the leap and start my own Laughter Club!! Effective January 2020 I am starting a monthly laughter club in Stoughton MA. Linda and Bill are professionals and they are dedicated and committed to the power of Laughter Yoga. Everything you need will be yours at the end of the weekend whether you decide to start a club yourself, bring it to your workplace as part of staff wellness or just use it for your own personal wellness…this is the best training you will get!


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Everyone needs to Laugh out Loud and these two as a couple are dynomite in delivery!


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The Hamakers have the laugh formula down to a science.Great people!!

Doug Savage from Savage Laughter

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The influence Bill and Linda’s Training had on me is immense and long-lasting. Of course their materials, professional yet casual teamwork, the patient yet moving-ahead pacing that included attention to each individual, the comfortable and welcoming ambiance in their home, and their delightful dogs were excellent. I was also impressed and moved by the camaraderie that laughing together created in our great group - and (this was initially hard for me) that looking into each other’s eyes during group exercises increases the contagiousness of laughter and the ability to connect and feel comfortable with each person. The meditation sessions led by Bill were soothing, excellent, and lovely and well-timed to create relaxation among the active exercises. And I always laugh remembering the Red Carpet exercise -- which is the one I tell when describing laughter yoga to people who are unaware of it - and they then ‘get it’. Thank you Bill and Linda for the knowledge, memories, confidence, and FUN. You two are good role models for the benefits of doing and sharing LY.

Cynthia Ho Ho HA HA HA

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Thank you Bill and Linda! I feel deep gratitude to you for your generosity and commitment to laughter yoga. I felt refreshed today and performed my 18+ laughing minutes while driving this morning. What a wonderful group. I hope I can see you all again...soon.

Josie C

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Hi Bill an Linda, How lucky we are to have you around the corner to train us for the most important leadership in life. I had a fabulous time. I am taking the challenge of 40 days laughter and will start forming some laughter groups after attending couple of your sessions. Thanks for every thing, you were so thoughtful and caring. Lots of love and laughter,
Saroj K

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Thank you again, Bill and Linda and adorable pups, for your time and hospitality. The Laughter Yoga training was really helpful and clarifying. I feel confident that with practice- and your kind support, that I will be able to help many others get their health on when they get their laugh going. You are a font of information and resources, so not reinventing the wheel is a beautiful thing. I look forward to all the future holds and laughing with you is a lovely part of that.

Sinny A

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The Laughter Yoga training weekend was such a great experience. Linda and Bill are such a great couple and they have a wonderful and fun way of teaching. They welcomed me into their home that weekend and they will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm looking forward to taking the training weekend again as a stress buster, fun, and connecting weekend.


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Thank you for having a profound impact in my life. I loved your course and am thankful for your guidance and instruction and most importantly, friendship!


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I felt very welcomed and supported by Linda and Bill at the training in their comfortable home. The weekend flew by with sharing, learning and hands-on practice. I left inspired to make Laughter Yoga a personal practice and explore ways to share it with others. Thank you, Linda and Bill for your passion and caring.


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My twelve-year old son, nine-year old daughter and I had the most hilarious, wonderful, and exceptional training with Bill and Linda Hamaker. The Hamaker's are fun, generous, and extremely knowledgable about all aspects of Laughter Yoga. We feel more than adequately prepared to integrate laughter yoga into our lives, share it with our friends and family, and start our own laughter club. The material was presented in a compelling and clear way and there were many opportunities over the weekend to experience the amazing benefits of laughter yoga. I would recommend this training to people of all ages and abilities. We drove all the way from Chicago for the training and it was well worth the trip. We laughed and laughed the whole way home. Thank you so much Linda and Bill!


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Having two teachers and an enthusiastic group of leaders eager to learn made our time productive as we were shown and explained about the basics of laughter yoga and allowed to practice the exercises as well. The Hamakers really know their stuff and provided access to all kinds of resources on the internet as well as the packet they provided. Creativity was encouraged within the guidelines set out by Dr. Kataria. Lots of fun and good friendships resulted!!


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Thank You again for providing all your wisdom to all of us. Not only did I get great insight on laughter, I could physically feel the left brain giving way to the right, laughing just laughing for no reason, and feeling great after. I am so much richer now than before I started our course.


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I highly recommend this training. Even if you don't think you'll ever lead a group, you will learn a lot and have a life-changing experience.

Laura T.

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Thank you for welcoming us into your home for Laughter Yoga Leader training 3/2013! What an amazing weekend to spend with my spouse! There's nothing better than sharing two days of laughter with the one you love! You are both gracious hosts. I felt very comfortable and welcome in your home. The training was well organized, fun and moved along at a great pace. Attending the Laughter Club meeting in Sharon really made the training! What a great experience to see how you run your club! Very helpful. I am grateful to have Laughter Yoga in my life. It has changed/saved my life! And my family! Well worth the five hour drive from Upstate NY! I am forever grateful and laughing! Thank you Bill and Linda!

Jamie K.

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Thank you so much for opening your home to us and allowing us to be part of such a life changing experience. This was such an amazing training and our Laughter Yoga Leader Training class was filled with the most exceptional people. My spouse and I first decided to take this training after seeing it on a PBS television show and decided we had to find a way to get involved. After doing a little research we found a few LY Teachers but when we found Let's Laugh Today we decided you were perfect for what we were going to embark on as a couple! We had never participated in Laughter Yoga before starting this journey and were a little nervous about what to expect. Though a few nights before the training our phone rang and it was YOU!! After speaking with you for a few moments my nerves were dispelled and I knew we had selected the perfect teachers for this new opportunity! When we got to your home and were greeted with a wonderfully warm ALOOO HA HA, all of my concerns were forgotten and I was certain this was going to grow to be an integral part of our lives.

You are such wonderful caring people, amazing teachers and great examples of what Laughter Yoga stands for. We incorporated many of the practices into our lives immediately after the course. Our five hour journey home was the least stressful trip I think I have ever taken. We have gotten our 18 month old son to begin his journey with a partially gibberish version of HO HO HA HA HA…..and our 3 year old daughter claps with perfect form!!! I could go on and on but I will end with...We could never repay you for the gift you have given us but we will continue to spread this wonderful practice for the rest of our lives!!

Nathan F.

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I truly enjoyed the laughter yoga training. I feel that laughter has the power to enlighten, enrich, and increase the overall well-being of people and from my personal experience, the LY training seminar was outstanding. I picked up valuable lessons and tools that I can now apply to my daily living. Bill and Linda were out of this world and seriously know their stuff-- they were patient and hospitable which i appreciate tremendously. I learned soo much about Laughter Yoga and its potential for healing and bringing people together. It truly reinforced my ability to laugh at good/bad situations that come my way.

Jose S.

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I felt very welcomed and supported by Linda and Bill at the training in their comfortable home. The weekend flew by with sharing, learning and hands-on practice. I felt more positive, light and at ease than when I started out! I left inspired to make Laughter Yoga a personal practice and explore ways to share it with others. Thank you, Linda and Bill for your passion and caring.

Carol K.

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Bill and Linda not only shared a wealth of information and resources in their Laughter Yoga Training, but provided us with plenty of hands on experience -- and laughter! I left feeling confident, knowledgeable and inspired.

Lori G.

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Wow! I had such a great time at your Laughter Yoga Leader Leader Training this weekend! Not only that but, by Saturday evening I noticed an experience of well-being beyond any in memory. I so enjoyed the skill and flexibility with which you each facilitated the training. It was well-paced with plenty of listening, doing, practice, relaxation and reflection. Laughter Yoga is one of the best, most enjoyable, most health-giving things I have ever done for myself in my life! Spending an entire weekend immersed in and learning how to provide it to others is even better. You are excellent facilitators, both as Leader Trainers and Laughter Yoga Club Leaders; highly creative, clever, flexible, thorough, and hospitable. I am SO grateful.


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I now have a new way of living!

Thank you,
Siobhan K.

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I attended your Certified Laughter Yoga Leader training on March 10-11 2012. You both made me feel at ease in your home on both days. There was SO much to learn in those 2 days, but you covered it all without making anyone feel rushed.

There were 9 of us attending, and in my mind we were the perfect group!!! We all got along so well. I am now able to bring Laughter Yoga to the residents at the nursing home I work at. I learned a lot in 2 days and will continue to learn each time I do a laughter group. HA HA HEE HEE to everyone!


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I wish everyone could experience the joy and release of tension laughter brings... after spending the weekend learning to be a Laughter Yoga Leader with Linda and Bill I feel ready to do my part to share the joy!

Thanks again for the training but more importantly for your hospitality and friendship.


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Dear Bill and Linda, Laughter Yoga cured my cold!

I arrived at Linda and Bill's house on Saturday morning eager for the experience ahead, but rather subdued because it was day 2 of a nasty cold. We laughed a lot during the day and I participated as fully as I could, but I knew I just wasn't 100% there. When I left at 4:30 I was exhausted, and even considered canceling dinner plans that evening with friends. I am so glad I didn't, though, because as the night went on I suddenly realized that I felt fine! My nose had stopped running, I didn't sneeze once during dinner and I had energy! Much to my surprise the next morning I woke up after a good night's sleep without a sore throat and feeling energized. That day at the training I felt 100% there and laughed with even more energy and enthusiasm.

I recommend this training to anyone who wants to laugh, have fun, meet wonderful people and add another skill to your life: leading a Laughter Yoga group! Linda and Bill give you all you need to go out there and get started. Thanks, Linda and Bill!

Sue S.

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Dear Linda and Bill, Thank you for such a wonderful training. You are both great to work with. The training was extremely well organized and I learned so much that I feel totally confident about leading Laughter Yoga sessions. I can't wait to come play with you at your Laughter Club in Westwood.


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Dear Linda & Bill, Thank you for warmly welcoming us into your beautiful, joyful home last weekend. The Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training was amazing! The safe and comfortable environment you created facilitated the learning process and was conducive to the camaraderie experienced by the students. We truly enjoyed meeting and laughing with the wonderful group of individuals brought together for it. In addition to thoroughly covering all aspects of Laughter Yoga from the hilarious parts to the serious parts, we appreciated the many “extras” you provided to enhance the entire experience.

Completing the training left us feeling joyful and energized. You truly have made the world a better place by living a life of laughter and sharing it with others.

Lesky & Paula

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Thank you so much, Bill and Linda, for opening your home to us. You made the whole process--from your preparatory emails to your follow-up emails--very warm and welcoming. It's no wonder everyone bonded so quickly, and I venture to bet your earlier group felt the same way. You guys are such a wealth of information and are so quick to share. Thank you, Thank you for all you've done!


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I embarked on a weekend to learn Laughter Yoga. I only had heard about it, never had seen it and had no idea how you laugh and reap health benefits. After all I watch television shows and I laugh. WOW what a great concept and laughter was the missing piece in my personal puzzle. I now have the power to laugh off stress, laugh off anxiety, and laugh off negative people and situations. I bonded immediately with group members. Laughing is a daily practice for me now I laugh in the shower, our well produces laughter water, the best in the world.

Heidi B.

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Thanks again for the wonderful and hospitable experience at your lovely and warm home this weekend. There is a lot to look forward to and we are excited to see how this little town of ours will come to know the same benefits of laughter yoga we took to heart this weekend.


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Thanks so much for an amazing time this weekend! A year ago, I hadn't heard about laughter yoga and would certainly have never thought I'd be a Certified Laughter Yoga instructor today, but I'm so happy I am. I was thoroughly inspired by Linda and Bill, and our talented group, and can't wait to go out and start spreading the Joy!


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I had taken meditation classes in the past, but I had never been able to achieve a deeply calm state. When I read Coming to Our Senses by Jon Kabat-Zinn, I understood that some people need to move to meditate. I am one of these people, I guess. Breathing and moving during the laughter yoga exercises first allowed me to enter a deep state of calm during the yoga nidra or guided meditation. It was a wonderful experience.

I can’t wait to share what I have learned with the children in my life. I feel blessed to have had this opportunity to learn from Bill and Linda Hamaker. They are passionate, knowledgeable and very generous.

Licia R.

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Thank you so much for opening your home and hearts to us this past weekend and turning us on to the benefits of laughter yoga! It is truly a remarkable privilege to be a part of this wonderful world wide movement of peace and joy. The close up smiles and silly giggles we all shared have imprinted on my heart and mind~ I truly feel you are all with me throughout the day. What a remarkable bond of community was created in the short span of a weekend! Thanks again for a wonderful weekend of laughter.

Barb and Art O.

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Linda and Bill introduced me to the Wonders of Laughter. Their low-key approach, their hospitality, their enhancement of the learning curve was professional and life changing. As a recovering stroke person who has had limited body motion, I was amazed at the benefits to my body that I began to feel when we began the hands-on verson of the lesson plan. Old and stuck parts of my body began to move and by the end of the weekend, I felt totally alive, excited and refreshed. My mind also received benefits in that my thinking was clearer and the thoughts became positive. The Laughter Yoga, combining breathing and laughter, was evenly paced and built on itself . I would highly recommend anyone interested in learning and experiencing Laughter Yoga to sign-up with Linda and Bill for their weekend training program. Unbelieveable and fun experience.

Marcia W.

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Dear Linda and Bill,
Thank you so much for a wonderful weekend packed with fun and laughter. The Laughter Yoga Leader training that I just completed with you was awesome. I learned so much and I am soooooooo excited to share my laughter wisdom and energy to those around me. You two made such a great team of teachers for me and my group. Thank you for sharing so much of your experience and knowledge with us. I will always remember you as I help raise the awareness of the BEST medicine around...laughter.

Peace, Debbie

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Dear Linda and Bill,
Thank you for holding laughter yoga leader training. The weekend was filled with laughter, caring, kindness, laughter, honesty, training, laughter, great leadership, graciousness, laughter, gibberish, wonder, and laughter. You have taught me the value of living in the moment as we do in childhood. Through you, laughter and kindness is spreading throughout New England. Ho ho and ha ha forever.

Mary M., CLYL

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Working to achieve Certification as a Laughter Yoga Leader with the Hamakers was an extraordinary experience. Both Linda and Bill were most welcoming of the group into their home. We were blessed with a cool, crisp fall day and were able to begin our group bonding experience outdoors in their front yard – fortunately, their home is located on a cul-de-sac!

Linda and Bill were the perfect team-teachers, developing thoughts and expanding on activities they presented to us novitiates! Having both Bill and Linda available for questions via phone and email has been most helpful as I endeavor to develop into a successful Laughter Yoga Leader!

Best wishes, Suzie G.
