We are Bill and Linda HAmaker (yes, it‘s our real name!) and are based in Walpole, MA; U.S.A. We used to have monthly Laughter Clubs in Franklin and Sharon, MA. We currently have a free Zoom laughter club every Wednesday. We have been practicing Laughter Yoga for over sixteen years
We would love to run an event for your group on Zoom or in person! We also do birthdays, holidays and other family events.
We are the only Master Trainer couple in North America!
Many thanks to Chronicle Channel 5 ABC in New England for doing a fantastic job with their segment on Laughter Yoga! Click here to see the segment.
* 2025 Let's Laugh Today Events *
To have the best experience, please plan to arrive on time, especially if you're new to
Laughter Yoga (also known as Laughing Yoga).
Wednesday, February 12th; 7:30pm-8:15pm and every Wednesday - FREE! The Let's Laugh Today Wacky Wednesday Laughter Club
Members must register for 2025 prior to joining Wednesday's session. Your registration should be good for the rest of the year. To register, Giggle and Click the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsf-mvqT8uH9XFuGYG9td2lPEmIllujCYP
You will get a Confirmation Email with the free Zoom link right away.
Click here to convert to other time zones. Please have water to drink since laughing can dehydrating.
Monday, March 10th; noon-12:45pm ET
Laughter Yoga with the Global Play Brigade The second Monday of Every Month
"Laughter Yoga for the Global Play Brigade" - Free!
Anyone can attend FUNday Monday! Click here to register for the event on Eventbrite. After you register on Eventbrite you will be emailed a link to for the event on Zoom.
Friday, March 14th; 6pm ET
Middleboro Pediatrics - private event
* Laughter Yoga Leader Training *
This will be an on-line training over 3 days.
March 15th-17th, 2025
10am-noon and 2pm-5pm Saturday, 10am-noon and 2pm-5pm Sunday, 7pm-9pm Monday
Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training. This will be our 40th training! We have trained 350 Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders. Check out our
leader training
page. You can contsct us to register as late as the Friday before the training. There is still room for YOU!
Thursday, May 15th; 7pm-8pm ET
Lexington Community Education
Lexington High School
We have been leading laughter
sessions since 2009. We hope you come and laugh with
We took Laughter Wellness Teacher training in April 2016
by Sebastien Gendry who created the American School of Laughter
Yoga in 2004 and now heads the Laughter
Wellness Institute and the Laughter Online University. He
Thank you Bill and Linda. It was a pleasure to reconnect
and laugh with you. I am very impressed by your
professionalism, attention to the small details that make all
the difference, and unconditional commitment to make this world
a better place. You shine. May you thrive!
We are charter members of Laughter
Yoga USA and we are on the Laughter Yoga USA Executive
Committee which helps to build laughter community in the United
We encourage you to also become a charter member of Laughter
Yoga USA and support Heatlth, Happiness and World Peace thru
Laughter. Click here for details.
We are also members of the American
Association of Therapeutic Humor
About Our Laughter Sessions
Experience all the health benefits of a good
belly laugh! No comedy or jokes involved!
Enjoy this unique exercise of laughter and
clapping combined with gentle breathing that brings more oxygen
to the body's cells. This oxygen boost gives enhanced vitality,
energy and a feeling of real well-being.
Any age and any level of physical ability can participate in
this uplifting experience! Children are welcome. You can sit or
stand. There are no fancy poses.
For more
information send an
email to
Laugh and Click
here to sign up to be e-mailed our monthly
newsletter. Be sure to check that it did not go in your spam or promotions folder!
Madan Kataria, the creator of Laughter Yoga, endorses
Bill and Linda.
We are
graciously and gratefully accepting donations. Our website, Meetup, and Premium Zoom plan all cost money every month and if you would like to contribute, please click on the button below.
Click here to see
story about us and Laughter Yoga on Boston's NBC 10 that aired
in April 2019!
Click here to watch our webinar on Working Together as a Couple to Spread Laughter Yoga.
Click here to watch us in a laughter yoga session organized by Debbie Lyn Toomey as part of her 30-Day Self Care For Nurses.
Click here to hear us being interviewed on
the WROL
950am for their Around Town radio program on August 29,
Click here
to see an article we wrote for the Spirit of Change magazine in
February 2019.
Click here
to hear us being interviewed on the Eye of the Storm radio show
on February 18, 2012.
Click here to see a video of the one year
anniversary of Let's Laugh Today Laughter Club - September
Free Small Dog Meetup We also run a small dog Meetup. So if you live in MA and have a small dog you can meet Chipper and Gracie in person. Click here to go to the meetup.